Friday, March 5, 2010

Report Cards...

So I'm out of the blogging dog house for now.  I want to try and keep it that way...

I chatted with the kids' teachers this week at parent/teacher conferences.  All is well.  Jay, who refused to learn the alphabet last summer, is now reading like a mad man and is asked to read one on one with some of the other students that are lagging a bit.  What?!?  Brenna is socially responsible and empathetic and gave up the chance to be the Prime Minister of her group last week because the voters had told her opponent that they would be voting for Brenna because they didn't like the opponent.  That's a big move for a girl who generally likes to lead!  ... And Will.  Well his writing continues to entertain and amaze his teacher (and us!).  He definitely has already found his "voice" and often addresses his readers in his writing.  "So, I bet you can't guess what I'm going to write about today!  Well if you said wolves you are wrong. But if you guessed coyotes you are right!".  Apparently some his fellow students are inspired to write just like him and it sounds like his teacher is having a hoot with this grade 2/3 class full of motivated writers. So educationally they're holding it together... whew. 

Ken got a report card too! He received his copy of his evaluation and I must say I'm proud of the ol' boy!  In the face of a very challenging first semester in a school that has lost a much beloved teacher, he has handled himself with aplomb! (aplomb - great coolness and composure under strain.  That's one of the words used to describe him.  I had to look it up!)  He is LOVING this job as each day he gets to go to work and teach kids music through the medium of rock.  How cool is that!

Thank God I didn't get a report card!  I know we're all our own worst critics but really I would fear the results might look a little like this...

aplomb in parenting (gotta use my new word!)     D
raising of the voice                                                   B+
patience                                                                    D-
avoiding the mundane tasks of running a home   B
correspondance with friends and family                D
laughing at family members when they get hurt    A+

You get the gist...  How would you grade yourself?  It's a good thing that if I was receiving a report card from my Maker I think it would be lot kinder.  He's like that.

I'm gonna keep this post short.  But I did want to post some pics to give you an idea of some of our fun out here in the Junction! 

Cross Crountry Skiing with the fam. What a beautiful day, what amazing scenery.

Our hockey players.

Our boys and their crazy matching teeth!
The new ones keep growing in before the baby teeth want to leave!

Brenna with two of her best buds at this fall's Barn Dance. Great kids and tons of fun!

Must go.  A bomb has gone off in my kitchen and laundry room and they require some attention if there is ever going to be any semblance of order.  Call for reinforcements if you don't hear from me in a couple days...


Thank you for your report card for me.  Redeemed - A+, Work in Progress - A+, Lovable - A+.  You get A+ for kindness, mercy giving and awe inspiring.  I love you.

'til next time,



  1. Its good to read your blogs and catch up with what's going on with you guys. I can see where Will gets his writing ability from! We are moving to Kelowna BC. Grant got a transfer and he accepted. I am getting more excited as I'm getting used to the idea. Leaving my parents is difficult. My dad has diabetes and it is taking a toll on him. But they will likely come and visit for lengths of time in winter. Tiff is over the moon and it will be great to be near her. Sam and Ryan are engaged and getting married November 19th and will be moving out with us. Suz will be staying here. But I'm hopeful she will come at some point. So with you guys gone, us moving and the Penners possibly going too the house church is taking a hit. Keep up the good mothering and I'll keep you in my prayers re OA. Say hi to Ken from me. God bless you guys. Peg

  2. Just read your report card, and missed you. When you get back to town, lets see each, Kate
